Why Scouts Are Better Than Women

Oct. 01, 2005 By Scouts West


( By Scouts West )

1. Scouts don't get pregnant.

2. You can drive your Scout any time of the month.

3. Scouts don't have parents.

4. Scouts don't whine unless something is really wrong.

5. You can share your Scout with your friends.

6. Scouts don't care how many other Scouts you have ridden.

7. When driving, you and your Scout can arrive at the same time.

8. Scouts don't care how many othe Scouts you have.

9. Scouts don't care if you look at other Scouts

10. Scouts don't care if you buy Scout Magazines.

11. You'll never hear, "Suprise! You are going to have another Scout" unless you decide to go out and buy one yourself.

12. If your Scout goes flat you can fix it.

13. If your Scout is to loose you can tighten it.

14. If your Scout is out of Alignment , you don't have to talk politics with it.

15. You can have a black Scout and still bring it home to your parents.

16. You don't have to be jealous of the guy who works on your Scout.

17. If you cuss out your Scout, you don't have to apololgize before you drive it again.

18. You can drive your Scout all you want and it won't get sore.

19. If you decide to stopr driving your Scout it won't get frustrated with you.

20. Your parents don't keep in touch with your old Scouts.

21. Scouts don't get headaches.

22. Scouts don't insult you if you are driving poorly.

23. Your Scout doesn't need a night out with the Scouts.

24. Scouts are not upset if you are late.

25. You don't have to take a shower before you can ride your Scout.

26. If your Scout doesn't look good you can paint it and add new parts.

27. You can ride your Scout the very first tme you see it, you don't need to take it to dinner or a movie.

28. The only protection you need to wear when you ride your Scout is a good seat belt.

29. Even in mixed company you can brag about he great ride you had with your Scout.


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