The Binder Bunch Tackles Hole-in-the-Rock!

Oct. 01, 2005 By ORC STAFF

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Bill and the rest of us aired down
just before Cottonwood Canyon
Hole-in-the-Rock trail is relatively easy to find. The turn-off is located just past the airport when you are dropping down into Halls Crossing on Highway 263 (see maps below). You know that your at the right spot because the pavement changes color at the turn-off.

The day started out nice with the temperature around 70 degrees. We were all anxious to get started. We headed out to meet the rest of the Binder Bunch that had camped a few miles in on the trail the night before. When we were all together we aired down and locked in the hubs just prior to dropping into Cottonwood Canyon.

The day started out clear and warm.



We all did the last minute checkout of the vehicles and grabbed a drink. The weather was quickly changing from warm to hot! The kids started chasing the lizards and slapping the mosquitoes. Apparently the group that decided to camp on the trail got a bit eaten up by the mosquitoes. Everette and Audra got it the worst, of course this might have been because they forgot their tent and had to sleep out under the stars? I was glad that I decided to camp in Halls Crossing that first night. Finally we all got ready and started dropping into Cottonwood Canyon.



Brad was always the first one ready!
Bob gives the motor one last look!
The Hole-in-the-Rock trail is quite long so it is always a good idea to top off the fuel tank in Bull Frog. We averaged 19 gallons for the entire trail. Not a lot left if you have a 20 gallon fuel tank. The stock motors got the best gas mileage. I thought my fuel injected Cadillac would have done better, but I found a leaky injector that needed to be changed at the end of the trail (I am getting pretty good at replacing the injectors now. 4th time is a charm!) .
Click on the map above to zoom in!

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