Vendor Showcase

Dec. 01, 2005 By ORC STAFF
Automotive Customizers
Automotive Customizers is dedicated to off-road enthusiasts, who like us, have had a hard time finding after-market upgrades for their vehicles. We are the proud owners of a Nissan Pathfinder, Nissan Pick-up and Suzuki Samurai. Over the last 10 years, we've had the opportunity to learn more about uprgrades and accessories for these vehicles. Most of our knowledge has come from trial and error along with input from our friends and other enthusiasts. In our experience, we've found that besides Nissan and Suzuki, Isuzu and Diahatsu owners have had little success finding one source for all of their after-market parts. We've personally put all these vehicles to the test and find them very capable in off-roading. We also believe that with additional up-grades, the off-road adventure will become even more exciting. We are also looking for export opportunities so we can enable our 4-wheel friends abroad to share in the off-road adventure.

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