Sometimes, snow is the way to go.

With the majority of America locked in Mother Nature’s deep freeze, we thought it’d be a good time to bring you a video of gearheads taking their rigs off-road into the snow.

Most trails in the midwest and northeast regions of our country have more white powder on them than a record producer’s office – but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a good time. With the right set of tires and a basic understanding of momentum, plowing through snow can just just as fun as mudding or rock crawling.

Making your way through deep snow is not wholly unlike blasting over soft sand: momentum is your friend, as is keeping the steering wheel straight to avoid having your rig’s front wheels turn into an unhelpful plow. Snow does react differently than sand in most instances, though, so just because you climbed that dune in Arizona doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll beat that snowbank into submission.

Ignoring the mall crawling BMW in the middle of this video, it plays like a greatest hits album of drivers tearing their way through winter. The pair of Hummer H1 machines at the end are pretty righteous, blasting though snowbanks and sending powder high into the air. If the brand was still around, it’d make for a fine commercial.

As for a favorite, it is tough to choose between the throaty growl of that Ram making its way up a snowy trail and the megabuck Mercedes G-Wagen bashing its way through the wintery woods.

How about it? Would you take your rig though the snow?