What type of helmet do you prefer?

Most of us are steadfastly on one side of the fence or the other when it comes to certain topics: Coke or Pepsi, Xbox or PlayStation, tender or crispy bacon. There’s only one right answer to that last one, by the way.

It’s the same with helmets. The lid we choose in which to go wheeling usually ends up being something unique to ourselves and, for some of us, even a trademark. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve identified friends out on the trail not by their rig – because there can only be so many different RZRs or Rocky Mountain Kings – but by the lid they’ve got protecting their noggin. The feature could be a stand-out color or visor.

ALSO SEE: Review: Bell Powersports Qualifier DLX Forced Air Helmet

That still leaves the question: do you prefer a closed-face helmet or an open-face helmet with goggles? Eye protection is important, so the goggles are a must around here if you’re headed into the wilderness with your face into the breeze. And neither choice is going to save your hide if you choose to ride fatigued or impaired. We think it doesn’t matter what you ride – bike, quad, snowmobile – as long as you ride safely.

Open-faced helmets with a natty set of goggles are plenty popular. Their champions argue these lids give them a better field of vision and less restriction when out on the trail. The best way to avoid a wreck is not to get in one, after all. Claustrophobia is a real thing for some people, too. On the flip side, long stretches of driving at high speeds can be wearisome on the face without a visor.

Full helmets can feel a heck of a great deal more restrictive and, in an effort to chase comfort, some people choose a helmet size that’s too big for them which nullifies a lot of the brain bucket’s safety abilities. However, they also offer great protection from the elements and stray debris. Fresh air systems are pretty righteous, too.

Which one do you prefer? Vote below!