There is no shortage of choice when it comes to new trucks on sale today in the American market. Beyond the five brands competing for our business in the full-size market, there are plenty of mid-sized options …  with more on the way.

Even after settling on a brand, there is a seemingly endless options list to wade through, with everything from tire size to box length being offered in multiple configurations by most manufacturers. Then, one can add in option packages, color selections, and drivetrain choices. Given all the different ways to build a pickup, there are surely millions upon millions of combinations able to be created for a tops-seller like the F-150, for example.

Before you start feeling too sorry for shoppers and sellers, it’s worth noting that most stores have gotten pretty good at knowing what sells in their area. Customers in the know should ask their dealer to look further afield if a truck with their desired spec is not on the lot. Your humble author quickly realized only city trucks were stocked in his town when looking to buy a truck earlier this year, leading to the dealer shipping in a new unit from a rural dealer spec’d with the desired towing gear.

That’s my ‘must-have’, as a stout rear end and an electric trailer brake are non-negotiables for this guy. Some buyers insist on LT Tires, also a sensible choice for trucks bound for a bit of work. So, too, are packages which bestow a sliding rear window onto a pickup, an option which not only provides a bit more airflow but also the ability to (safely) poke an extra-long cut of 2×6 in the cab on the way home from the sawmill rather than have it hand out past the tailgate. In theory. Don’t try that at home, kids.

And, yes, some buyers are besotted with jumbo infotainment screens. To each their own.

Vote for your essential equipment below. Did we miss one? Let us know in the comments.