After a career-ending and life-threatening Supercross crash, Trey Canard has rebounded from the injuries and plans to race again. Below is the description of and teaser for an upcoming film on his recovery called REvival41.

Trey Canard’s crash last season was one that most riders don’t come back from. But #41 knew he had a higher calling. When others doubted and the pain progressed, he knew he was destined to race again. This is the story of Trey’s year-long journey from back injury to the starting gate of the 2013 Supercross season as he strives to put #41 back on top.

REvival 41 tells the story of Trey’s comeback, his attempt to reconcile the tragedy of his past and the pain of his present, with his unshakeable belief for the future. It’s the human struggle to persist, continue and hope in the face of overwhelming pain.

“People say that what you believe in is a fairy tale. But I don’t believe that at all…I believe that I was put on this earth to ride a motorcycle.” -Trey Canard

The video will air on on January 3rd here: