A group of 24 OHV Program Administrators from 17 states have been working to create a new OHV Program Administrators organization. This new organization is called the International OHV Program Administrators Association (INOHVAA, pronounced In-Oh-Va).

The group has been working hard since last September to formalize the organization. Prior to this time, the organization was a loosely formed association which functioned under the name of the National OHV Association of Program Managers (NOAPM). The team has recently created a more formal organization by selecting their official name, setting the purpose of the association, and ratifying their by-laws. A membership and associate membership structure has been created which will allow each state to have one or more members who will cast a single vote for the state, as well as a partner membership for the federal or local partners who wish to participate. The group is working on creating a website and communication channels in addition to other projects and processes which will assist with growing and strengthening the new organization.

The Association is currently Co-Chaired by Tom Metsa of Colorado and Ron Potter of Minnesota. Tom and Ron, with the assistance of the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC) have been spearheading formalization of the group. “There is definitely a need for OHV program managers to form a legitimate group,” said Potter. “We can share information and work together to create consistent direction for OHV programs across the country. That’s the key to the whole thing.”

With 17 of the 46 states which have OHV programs, there is still a lot of work to be done. Potter and Metsa hope to be able to include all of the states in the near future. They are encouraging states and partners who have not yet signed on to the program to please consider joining and become part of the growing network of active and concerned program administrators. Most of the planning is currently done through e-mails and conference calls; although they are scheduled to have one face to face meeting a year.

The next quarterly conference call is scheduled for June 14th at 2pm Eastern.
The annual meeting, with the election of officers, will take place in conjunction with the annual NOHVCC conference on September 21st in Minnesota.

If you are interested in joining the organization, please contact any of the following:
Ron Potter, Policy and Program Manager
Parks & Trails, Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4052