Nebraska OHV Association News Letter

Nov. 01, 1996 By ORC STAFF
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 1996 The Nebraska Off Highway Vehicle Association home page is coming soon! LOOK!! IT'S A NEWSLETTER!! Sorry we had such a long time in between newsletters, but it's taken me some time to get my act together again after moving, working on the house, working on the jamboree, a trip to Oklahoma and other NOHVA business. Meetings November 18 - Monday night meeting in Columbus at Maximus on east highway 30. Meeting starts at 7:00 PM. We will nominate new officers for 1997 and discuss Headworks and Nebraska National Forest projects. November 26 - Tuesday night meeting in Lincoln at Starcity Motorsports.

Meeting starts at 7:00 PM. We will nominate new officers for 1997 and discuss Headworks and Nebraska National Forest projects. DEER HUNTING SEASON FOR RIFLE HUNTERS IS FROM NOVEMBER 9TH THROUGH 17TH. If you must ride anywhere during this time, including Headworks or the Nebraska National Forest, please wear a bright orange vest and be very careful. Contents of this newsletter - Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey Elections Planned Headworks Update, Jamboree A Success River Valley Trail Riders To Start Own Club Riding Area Spotlight, Nebraska National Forest Nebraska National Forest Map (by regular mail only) Timber Ridge Ride, For Sale, NOHVA Info NEBRASKA ANNUAL SOCIAL INDICATORS SURVEY (NASIS) 1994 Total Day (Occasions) spent on selected outdoor recreation activities in the past year by adults 19 and over (1,149,198) plus youth ages 5 to 18 years old (325,444) from Nebraska census of 1,578,385.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OUTDOOR RECREATION ACTIVITIES 5-18 19 AND TOTAL YEARS* OVER* OCCASIONS* Days gone fishing - 1993 2.1 6.6 8.7 Days went boating - 1993 1.1 4.8 5.9 Days Crane watch on the Platte River - 1993 0.1 0.6 0.7 Days camped - 1993 1.3 3.7 5.0 Days hunted - 1993 0.4 3.9 4.3 SUBTOTAL THIS GROUP 5.0 19.6 24.6 - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

Days went swimming - 1993 8.7 9.3 18.0 Days played softball/baseball - 1993 5.5 3.1 8.6 Days played soccer - 1993 1.8 0.8 2.6 Days played volleyball - 1993 1.9 3.3 5.2 Days played golf - 1993 0.8 5.2 6.0 Days played Tennis - 1993 0.6 2.5 3.1 SUBTOTAL THIS GROUP 19.3 24.2 43.5

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Days went for a walk - 1993 19.2 89.1 108.3 Days ran or jogged - 1993 6.7 15.5 22.2 Days rode a bicycle - 1993 26.0 17.7 43.7 Days rode horseback - 1993 1.9 2.6 4.5 >>DAYS RODE ATV OR OHV - 1993<< >>2.8 10.4 13.2 <<<< Days visited historic sites-1993 1.0 3.1 4.1 Days drive for pleasure - 1993 7.5 27.2 34.7

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - SUBTOTAL THIS GROUP 65.1 165.6 230.7 TOTAL ESTIMATED OCCASIONS - 1993 89.4 209.4 298.8 Source: Bureau of Sociological Research, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, 1994. The Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey (NASIS) includes tag-on questions on participation in various outdoor recreation activities in 1993. Over 61% of Nebraskans, 19 years of age and older, said they had participated in at least one trail activity away from home in the previous year. Election On Tap For 1997 Officers Once again, it's time for election of association officers. This year, the election process should be easier now that we have only one chapter. The positions of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and three or four directors (depending if the secretary/treasurer is combined) need to be nominated and elected.

Nominations for officers will take place at two meetings, one in Columbus and one in Lincoln, and will close on the day all ballots are counted. Nominations may also be made by phone, letter or by contacting one of the current officers or Dan Nitzel. If you have a particular project that you feel is important or if you are interested in serving the association, please come to one of these meetings or call Dan Nitzel for details.

Anyone that is a 1996 members and plans to be a 1997 member can be nominated for an office. Details about the candidates and ballots will be mailed to all members prior to the election. It is hoped that we can have it completed by the end of the year or early in 1997. Headworks Update As of this writing, riders continue to exhibit good behavior at the riding area, with the exception of a few incidents. There continue to be a few reports of people riding on the roads.

Almost all of the riding on the road has happened when the entrance trail is full of water or muddy, when riders can not get around vehicle or trailers parked in the unloading area, or to "blow the cobs' out of the machine before entering the entrance trail. Also, some people have been parking and unloading on the north side of the road if the parking area is crowded.

All riders are to stay off of the roads, including the road along the unloading area and the road along the entrance trail and along the ridge trail, and park and unload only south of the road in the designated unloading area. Riders are not to ride on or near the road even in instances where the entrance trail is full of water or muddy anywhere from the unloading area all the way to the last tube or if someone is blocking access in the unloading area. In other words, if there is water and /or mud in the entrance trail between the unloading area to the last west tube, riders are to ride through this mud and water or go around it, BUT CAN NOT RIDE NEAR OR ON THE ROAD TO AVOID IT.

If someone is blocking the access in the parking area, use the trails down the hill to the south of the parking area and stay off the road. Please, just stay off the road. We hope to have new picnic tables this spring for Headworks complements of Polaris Corporation. NOHVA has applied for a grant totaling $1000 from Polaris for ten tables and a fax machine to handle association business. We should know if we are approved for the grant some time in November. The picnic tables will come in handy for the Jamboree and for use by riders back in the riding area and in the unloading area. Fall Jamboree A Success The jamboree went off with out a hitch.

There where some people parking on the wrong side of the road in the parking area, but the parking area was nearly full. We need to work on this and improve our parking arrangement in the unloading area. Also, we apologize to some ATV riders and the dirtbike riders for the way the events took place on Sunday afternoon. This was the first time we ever had many dirtbikes show up for the jamboree. Maybe we can have some events that are geared toward the dirtbikers next year. Also, we need to plan our ATV events out better by organizing classes ahead of time and describing what events are taking place ahead of time.

We also need to get people lined up ahead of time to get the events laid out, started and run. It was also mentioned that it may be of help to put up signs for non- Jamboree campers explaining that the camp ground will be full of politically incorrect ATV and dirtbikes enthusiasts. It was suggested that maybe a pork (or maybe road kill) bar-b-que take place next year instead of hamburgers. Does anyone know where we can borrow, buy (cheap) or build a large grill for the Jamboree and maybe other events? Statistically, we went through 60 pounds of hamburgers, 16 pounds of chips (we needed more as we ran out), gained 29 new members and had numerous renewals for 1997.

Estimated attendance for the weekend was around 300 to 400 people for both days. Nearly half of those camped out over night Saturday. We had about 60 people in the poker run on Saturday. About 100 riders took part in the barrel races and 250 riders took part in the drag races on Sunday. It took an hour to raffle off over 200 prizes donated by Curry Brothers in Columbus, Starcity Motorsports in Lincoln, B & B Cycle in Norfolk, Champion Auto in Grand Island and NOHVA. Special thanks go to Ron Shay and Tim's Towing in Grand Island and special thanks to those who cooked them - Julie Cozad of Omaha, Candy Muston of Grand Island, Kerry Kleeb of Grand Island, Dolly Kalvelage of Albion, Jason and Amy Kleeb of Central City and anyone else we forgot to mention. Also, thanks to Kerry Kleeb, Don Muston and family, Mike Spires, Gary Gibbs, John Niebling and others who helped at the gate and with the events.

River Valley Trail Riders To Start Own Club by Dan Nitzel The River Valley Trail Riders (RVTR) have decided to separate from the Nebraska OHV Association and form their own organization. According to Rick Cleaver, RVTR president, the separation is necessary to properly qualify the River Valley OHV park in Council Bluffs for funding from the Iowa OHV trails fund.

Over the last year, RVTR has used our Articles of Incorporation and insurance to apply for funding and associated legal requirements to get the OHV park up and running. However, there is a problem of a Nebraska group or cooperation applying for funds from Iowa, and this could result in legal problems that can be avoided by forming a separate, Iowa group that is recognized by Iowa laws.

After the first of the year, NOHVA and RVTR will produce separate newsletters and will have separate memberships. Tentative plans yet to be approved by each organization call for information to be shared about news and activities for each group via separate newsletters. However, NOHVA members will not receive the RVTR newsletter and mailings and RVTR members will not receive NOHVA newsletters and mailings. Only NOHVA members will receive opening/closing announcements for Headworks and meeting announcements for Headworks and Halsey via post card.

Also upon approval by each organization, when members only activities are sponsored by either NOHVA or RVTR take place, members from RVTR or NOHVA will be able to attend the respective organizations function. When we (NOHVA) first helped form the RVTR chapter over a year ago, we do so with the understanding that separation would likely happen some time down the road. In the spring of 1995, the primary goal was to convert the then illegal riding area by River Side park in Council Bluffs, to a legal place to ride.

It was originally spearheaded by former Omaha resident, RL Lemke. RL had been searching for a place where our members could ride. Even though trail efforts for politically correct trail users (hikers, bikers, snowmobilers, horse back) were making great strides, our efforts to find a place for ATV and dirtbike users to ride were unsuccessful. After contacting the state of Nebraska, city of Omaha, the Corp of Engineers, county governments, Indian reservations, private land owners and area natural resource districts, we came up with only dead ends. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission even had funds available via from the federal government for OHV trails here in Nebraska, but top state officials were unwilling to help us out as ATV and dirtbike riders do not fit into their "environmental" agenda.

Then word came along that the Riverside park in Council Bluffs was slated to become the new National Trails Center. Officials from Council Bluffs and the state of Iowa along with the Iowa OHV Association were very receptive to the idea of converting an area where ATVs and dirtbikes have used for decades into an OHV park with State of Iowa trail funds. Even a National Park official in charge of the National Trials Center was in favor of the OHV park. Council Bluffs and Iowa officials realized that ATV and dirtbike use was a legitimate recreational activity. All they needed was a group to get the ball rolling and the job done.

Both RL and I thought this was an excellent opportunity to find a place for our Omaha and eastern Nebraska members to ride, as the nearest riding area was a three hour drive to Headworks in central Nebraska or the now closed Old Wyoming. We then got the word out and with a lot of help, put together a Council Bluffs group to head the project. After a year of hard work by the RVTR chapter, funding from the State of Iowa and Federal Government is approved for the project.

The OHV park should be open by late 1997. By now, I'm sure many of you reading this is wondering "Should I join NOHVA or RVTR?" If the Council Bluffs project is of most interest to you, then join RVTR. If the Headworks and Halsey forest projects serve your best interests, then be a NOHVA member. If all three interest you, then you should consider joining both NOHVA and RVTR. Both organizations need your support and we hope to hold joint activities, if both groups desire to do so. Riding Area Spot Light- Nebraska National Forest, Bessey District near Halsey by Dan Nitzel - Nebraska OHV Assn.

In this issue of the Nebraska OHV Advisor, we hope to start a series about places to ride in and near Nebraska. First in this series will be the Nebraska National Forest, Bessey District near Halsey in west central Nebraska. The Bessey Ranger District of the Nebraska National Forest is located two miles west of Halsey, on state highway #2.

The district compasses 90,000 acres of gently rolling sandhills interspersed with 22,000 acres of man-planted trees. There are approximately 300 miles of sandy trails and two track trails (4WD) open to ATVs and dirtbikes. Plans call for an additional 10 to 50 miles of 48 inch wide trails to be added in the coming years through a partnership with the Nebraska OHV Association and the National Forest Service. Approximately one- third of the district is closed to motor vehicle travel (including ATVs, dirtbikes, trucks) from September 1st through November 30th of each year. Refer to the travel map in this newsletter to view the closure area. During times of high fire danger, there may be other closures that would limit your access to the district. It is advisable to stop into the office on week days or visit the camp ground host to obtain information concerning any closures, or other information that may effect your visit.

Cattle graze throughout the Forest, generally from May 15 through November 1st. There are over 200 stock water tanks distributed throughout the forest, with numerous sand trails leading to them. Care should be taken driving on these trails, as the majority require a four wheel drive vehicle with good sand tires. A list of regulations and riding suggestions are included in this newsletter along with maps of the district and camp ground locations. Camping is available at three separate camp grounds located throughout the forest. All camp grounds feature toilets well as water. The Bessey Campground (number 1 on the map) is the largest, and is located inside the main entrance off of highway 2 and on the east side of the district. This camp ground has pads for RVs, including electrical hookups, as well as areas for tent camping. Picnic shelters, year round bath rooms and shower facilities, tennis courts, a soft ball diamond and an RV dump station are also in this camp ground.

A swimming pool is located in the camp ground and is open last part of May through mid August. There is also a group camp ground with electrical hook ups, rest rooms and a picnic shelter. ATV and dirtbike riders are allowed to use the camp ground providing they ride directly from the campsite to their destination. There is also a quite time from 10 PM until 8 AM where ATV's and dirtbikes are prohibited from operating or near the campground. The Scott lookout tower is located about three miles located southwest of the campground.

The Whitetail camp ground is located by the Dismal river (number 2 on the map) about 10 miles south of the Bessey campground, and in the southeast portion of the district. It is accessible via several trails or by primitive forest road. The campground features two new vault toilets, two hand pump wells, several fire rings, horse corral, and a canoe launch area. This camp ground is very popular with many ATV and dirtbike riders. There is no electricity, telephone or showers available at this camp ground. A sandy play area for ATVs is located about a half mile east along the Dismal River. The Natick Campground is located on the paved Natick road on the west central portion of the district. There is a hand pump well, a vault toilet, horse corral, and several picnic tables at this location. While ATV's and dirtbikes are prohibited on Natick road and Circle road, the campground is also accessible via a 4 wheel drive trail by ATVs and dirtbikes.

There is no electricity, telephone or showers available at this camp ground. Gas, Motels and Emergency Care There is a nice grocery store in Halsey called the Sandhills Market, and it is open on Saturday and Sunday. The nearest gas is in Dunning, 10 miles east on highway 2 or Thedford 15 miles west. There is a good, home style, reasonably priced restaurant/bar in Halsey called the Double T, and a nice, clean, inexpensive motel with a hot tub called the Keeny Stockade Motel.

Be sure to check the hours these places are open as they change depending upon time of year. Thedford had three motels and four restaurants. The nearest hospital is in Broken Bow, about 55 miles south east on highway 2. The nearest ambulance in Thedford. The sheriffs office is in Thedford also. Several EMT's are available in Halsey and at the forest district. IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY, CALL 911 either at a phone or cellular phone. Help is also available at the main office (when open) or from the camp ground hosts. A pay phone is located in the Bessey campground picnic shelter by the pool.

Regulations for ATV and Dirtbike Riders - Nebraska National Forest The sand hill soil of the Nebraska national Forest are very fragile. Please TREAD LIGHTLY! and preserve your privilege to use these public lands! 1. All motor vehicles must have exhausts that prevent fires. ATVs and dirtbikes must have a U.S. Forest Service Approved muffler, silencer and /or an approved spark arrestor. The muffler, silencer and/or spark arrestor must have the "U.S. Forest service Approved" stamped upon it, usually in a visible location. Altered units with the center core removed or in poor condition, leaky condition are prohibited.

Dune buggies, sand rails, jeeps, etc. with open header pipes and without good quality mufflers are prohibited. Failure to have adequate protection can result in a $$$$ fine and maybe jail time. NOHVA has requested that this regulation be strictly enforced. 2. While the entire forest is open to off road travel, please try to stay on existing trails. If off trail travel is necessary, avoid following the same path more than once and avoid steep hills (especially with dirtbikes) where ruts could be made.

A rut formed by an off road vehicle can easily turn into a wash out and cause considerable soil erosion. Do not travel foot trails or cattle trails. 3. The Forest Service requires that ATV and dirtbike operators must be 16 years of age and hold a valid driver license or be under the direct supervision of a responsible adult. 4. Close any gates that you find closed. 5. Stay away from wildlife and livestock. 6. ATV and dirtbike travel is prohibited on any paved road except in the Bessey campground and is only allowed directly to and from a camp site. NOHVA has requested that any unnecessary traffic by ATV or dirtbike riders in the main camp ground be dealt with a fine or immediate expulsion from the camp ground. 7.

ATVs and dirtbikes must use low gears on roads shared with other vehicles. Maximum recommended speed is 25 to 35 Mph on these roads. Slow down and keep right at blind corners. 8. When approaching other trails users, slow down. NOHVA recommends that when ATVs or dirtbikes encounter people riding horses, pull over and allow them to pass. It's a good idea to shut off your machine also. Some horses are easily startled, so please ride cautiously when meeting them on the trail. 9. The use of an approved helmet, goggles, over the ankle boots and other safety gear is recommended for you safety. 10. It is prohibited to operate any vehicle in a careless or reckless manner, or without regard for the safety of any person, or in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger any person or property. Violent thunderstorms and rapidly changing temperatures are not uncommon.

Keep informed of weather conditions as it can change quickly. 11. Check into main office or camp ground host for maps and information concerning camp fires and trail closures. 12. Have fun and enjoy one of the best places to ride in Nebraska! Timber Ridge Ride by Dan Nitzel About twenty NOHVA members attended the Timber Ridge ride on the week-end of August 24th and 25th.

This was one of the first times the weather co-operated with the event making the trails perfect to ride. A well received and attended pot luck supper was held on Saturday night at the shelter house. While most of the ride went off without problems, there were several reports of problems involving our members and residents of the Timber Ridge area. Apparently, several NOHVA members were acting in an irresponsible manner.

These problems have placed our continued future use of the area at question. Since the incident, NOHVA has written a letter of apology to the owners of Timber Ridge, and to the residents. After talking to several people about the incident and giving it some thought, I feel that it could have been avoided if our association would have made available to our members written rules before hand, and made sure that the rules were fully understood. A map and/or directions to the check in site and who is responsible would have been a big help also.

A screening of club members that have caused problems in the past is also advised. But I also feel that the riders should have shown more consideration for the residents and the area where they live. Any time we have a ride at Timber Ridge or any other area that is not publicly owned and managed, we need to remember that we are "guests" who have the "privilege" of using their land to ride on, and be receptive to the wishes of the whose who live near or own private land. Our public image as trail users and off roaders is bad enough, please, lets work to avoid problems like these again in the future.

For Sale 5 x 10 flat bed trailer, with ramps, all steel, hauls three quads. Specifically built for ATVs. Call Dave Speicher at 402-563-2060. $550 or best offer. For Sale 1978 Ford E-250 extended van. Newer aluminium wheels and tires, dual heat and air, 460 V8, $1900 or offer. Call Gary Gibbs at work 402-474- 777 or home 402-465-4854. ADDRESS CHANGE - Dan Nitzel and Nebraska Off Highway Vehicle Assn. offices have MOVED.

The new mailing and businessaddress for both NOHVA and Dan Nitzel will be 2231 W. 10th Street, Grand Island, NE 68803. We will maintain our post office box as listed on our membership forms until April 1997. Please use the new address for quicker service. The phone number remains unchanged 308-381-2143. E- mail address is still The "Nebraska OHV Advisor" is edited by Dan Nitzel. We welcome any comments, questions or suggestions related to this newsletter or issues concerning recreational all terrain vehicle or off-road motorcycle in Nebraska. If you wish to be placed on our e-mail newsletter list, please e-mail back to Dan Nitzel - Nebraska Off Highway Vehicle Association >>>>>Who We Are We are the Nebraska Off Highway Vehicle Association/TBQ Sport Club, Inc. - A non-profit organization for All Terrain Vehicle and off-road motorcycle riders.

Our goals are to stimulate and advance the general welfare and safety of ATV and Dirtbike recreation, to serve the interest of ATV and Dirtbike owners, and to defend such owners against discriminatory legislation. The Nebraska Off Highway Vehicle Association currently manages the Headworks riding area near Geona Nebraska and is co-ordinating multiple-use trail at the Nebraska National Forest, Bessey unit near Halsey in central Nebraska. We also represents ATV and dirtbike trail usres on Nebraska trails committees. >>>>>How to Reach Us If you have a question about our organization or a question concerning one of our activities, please contact one of the approprate people below: Assn. President, Dan Nitzel - 308-381-2143, e-mail Assn. Vice President, Gary Gibbs - (H)402-465-4854, (W)402-474-7777 Headworks-Halsey chapter President, Michael Spires - 402-563-4533 River Valley Trail Riders President, Rick Cleaver - 712-325-0257 If you would like to contribute to our newsletter or have any other coorespondence to send to us, please use our business address: NOHVA, 2231 W. 10th St., Grand Island, NE 68803 or our e-mail address at * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright 1996, TBQ Sport Club, Inc. d.b.a. Nebraska Off Highway Vehicle Association. Reproduction of this newsletter in any part is prohibited without the written consent of the TBQ Sport Club, Inc./Nebraska Off Highway Vehicle Association. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


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