Installing FLOFIT Seats

Nov. 01, 2005 By ORC STAFF
Please feel free to e-mail any comments or corrections via my staff page.

The installation of the FLOFIT seats was relatively uneventful. The seats and console mount on a bracket which is custom made for your vehicle. I know of one person whose bracket did not fit properly and required modification. While my bracket wasn't perfect, it did fit.

My truck is a 1983 Dodge Ramcharger. That's what I told FLOFIT when I ordered the seats. The bracket I received said "1977 - 1984 Dodge Truck". I was not encouraged. I knew my truck's seats were very different from that of the corresponding Dodge light trucks. Nevertheless, I did not succumb to panic, and I removed my old seats and console, including all of their brackets. I placed the bracket, and lined up the bolt holes as best as I could. As it turned out, three of the four holes of the bracket matched three of the eight holes from the original seats. I made a small slit in the carpeting, and found that the fourth hole in the bracket lined up with an unused hole in my floorboard which was plugged with a rubber grommet. I removed the grommet, placed the bracket, and was able to bolt the bracket to the floor using three bolts and nuts from the original seats. I had to make a hardware store run for a few more fastener parts to get all four anchor points of the bracket attached. I plugged the remaining five unused holes in my floorboard with RTV sealant.

The seats and console bolt fairly easily to the bracket. In my case, the bracket accommodated the existing seat belts perfectly, with the exception that I currently lack a lap belt for the center console. However, the instructions provided by FLOFIT were ridiculously skimpy. I will never understand why anyone ships aftermarket parts worth several hundred or more dollars and includes only one poorly xeroxed page of cryptic instructions with few to no diagrams. Nevertheless, all the hardware and a metric allen wrench were provided, and the seats were installed within about 2 or 3 hours total by one person (me).

So long as your bracket fits appropriately, as mine did, installation of FLOFIT seats is a reasonably straightforward task which can be performed without any particularly great mechanical skill.

This page was last modified on 21 May 97

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