2002 March - Readers Respond - The Readers Respond

Nov. 01, 2005 By William ""Spodeboy"" Perry

Here's the page where we lump all of your responses, rumors, rants, raves and insight into the world of dirt bikes. Click here and email away.


 Check Through The Comments By Month.

 How To Avoid A One-Piece Motor


Great Article. I'm much more interested in this kind of thing than I am in what color nose-ring is "in" with the Glam Rock freestyle MX crowd.


Us too!


Aluminum smeared on a cylinder sleeve can be removed with Muriatic acid applied with a swab. It eats the aluminum not the steel and allows the cyl to be honed with no aluminum stuck in the steel pores. Be careful not to get any on the aluminum casting.

My IT490 has light 4 corner wear from the Wiseco forged piston crown down to the bottom of the skirt. Cannot feel with a thumbnail in the bore but the cross hatch is worn there - reusable bore and piston in my opinion. I hope it is from worn rings or the excessive side clearance between the piston and the con rod which allows the caged needle bearing to wander side to side leaving the piston free to wobble in the 4 corner axis. Will try moly coating the piston skirt, thermal coating the crown, spacers on the wrist pin to remove the excessive gap, and of course new rings. If they had used 18 x 22 small end bearings on the small end instead of the 18 x 23 I could have put in cageless needles from a Rotax sled engine and doubled the needle count.

I really like your website, especially Hunky's editorials. Great job.

A very sore kneed from flipping and holding onto the IT too long -

Chris Barber


Excellent article on preventing, and diagnosing seizures. I LOVE the technical articles and could stay up all night reading them as they're very informative.

Rick, you really know your stuff dude!

Best regards,

Phil Ketchum
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group

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