American-Sand-Association-6-19-14The American Sand Association drew attention to a new threat to off-highway vehicle (OHV) access in its recent newsletter. Here’s what the ASA had to say:

In addition to the ongoing lawsuit seeking to end open riding at Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area (OWSVRA), the Center for Biological Diversity filed a petition on June 9th seeking the Flat Tailed Horned Lizard be listed as an endangered species. They claim that habitat loss, off-road vehicles and global warming are pushing the species towards extinction.

The petition specifically lists areas such as OWSVRA, Superstition Mountain Open Area, Plaster City Open Area and the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area (ISDRA) as habitat areas that have had cumulative impacts due to off-road vehicle use. Furthermore, illegal ORV (Off Road Vehicle) use has been closely monitored.  The petition contains several pictures of illegal route proliferation and requests ORV use be prohibited within some or all of the Management Areas.  Some of the pictures that were included in the petition have been included below.

The aSa has been working diligently for over 14 years to gain access back to the 40,000 acres of riding area in the ISDRA that had been closed to protect the Pierson’s Milk-vetch. Although we gained some of our riding area back, it is but a small victory towards our constant uphill battle.  Environmental groups will always have another species to petition and this is but one example.

We will be consulting with our attorney on this matter and will keep our members posted on any new developments.

The ASA lists a link to the full petition here.