The King of the Hammers (KOH) race-a-thon for access is next week, Friday the 11th, and the land use pledges are building up. NOW is the time to make your pledge and help us save trails and keep our sports alive, no matter your choice of outdoor recreation. Visit to pledge now. This race-a-thon by the 4405 Land Use Buggy will generate funds to help us fight for trails nationwide in a much needed time.

No pledge is too small. Pledge what you can; pay later. We’ll send you reminder after the race is over.

All who have pledged so far can stand proud, but we send a huge thank you for a very generous pledge from the Tin Benders 4×4 club of southern California and the matching pledge by 4 Wheel Parts! Again, no pledge is too small; every amount helps. Be sure and visit all the vendors at KOH who support land use and tell them thank you as well.

If you’re going to KOH, you can pledge there on the lakebed as well. Look for Kurt Schneider, Del Albright, Travis Carpenter (driver), Stacie Albright or any of the 4405 Land Use Buggy Team to pledge on the spot. The KOH apparel booth and BlueRibbon Coalition booth will also have pledge forms.

As we send you this, the 4405 Land Use Buggy has been on the dyno and is ready to race for access. It’s a work of art! Pledge now to protect your future for access with whatever you can afford, per mile or flat amount. It all helps. Learn more about the race-a-thon pledge here:

Thank you for being on the team to protect your recreational future.

CA: Independence Lake, high Sierras; important meeting Feb. 15th.

National: new access website, Quiet Warrior Racing; fighting for access in the political arena with a very pointed Blog;

National: Secretary Salazar de-facto Wilderness grab and new Wild Lands closure attempts:

National: Access Army January Newsletter about preserving our freedoms of access and responsible recreation: